Monday, March 3, 2025

End of October

We're not entirely sure the day Oakley was born but it was somewhere around this time so we celebrated on October 22nd. He's 1!

Mary started volleyball! She loved it. 

GOTR fun :-) 

Views from runs, drives home from swimming, and Oakley in this crazy coat (which he absolutely did not need) 

Finished up halloween costumes. 

Since our Christmas tree is already up we went with a Nightmare Before Christmas theme. I was suppose to be sally and Kyle was going to be Jack... however the costumes didn't fit so we did some shuffling and it worked out well. 

For the second year in a row we went out to Maple Grove to participate in their trunk or treat with some friends. 


Other October randoms: 

Carving pumpkins!

I worked on the day of halloween and our department did an inside out theme. 

Halloween night. Mary opted for the original costume she had planned to wear... 

This decoration was on the way to swimming each morning, it was awesome. 

GOTR Practice 5K

Our team's practice 5K has been probably the main highlight for many every season. This is the 5th practice 5K I've put together and it's special because it's the one practice of the season that we get to run around the lake. A whole 3.1 miles in the end. I am still making those balloon towers, but they're getting smaller and they are still POPPING within minutes of getting up on the hill. Too windy. And the grass is too dry so when the balloon hits it pops every single balloon :-( 

I ended up running with Mary at the end, we had a little 'coming to Jesus' moment. We were by out house and she was complaining I gave her the green light to just go home. I'd bring her bag home later. She thought long and hard about it but decided to press on she wanted to do it. So we start to run a little and walk a little. Eventually she caught up with the group in front of her which motivated her then we came upon Emma's group and that really motivated her. She didn't finish last this time! It was pretty exciting! She has finished last the five other practice runs. 


One of my amazing co-coaches took photos at the finish line. So grateful! 

Here comes Emma! 

I love seeing the girls have so much fun!


All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.